Discover the latest research on Technology + Girls.
Adolescent Social Communication Through Smartphones: Linguistic Features of Internalizing Symptoms and Daily Mood
McNeilly, E. A., Mills, K. L., Kahn, L. E., Crowley, R., Pfeifer, J. H., & Allen, N. B. (2023). Adolescent social communication through smartphones: Linguistic features of internalizing symptoms and daily mood. Clinical Psychological Science, 216770262211251. Full Text
CDT report - off task: EdTech Threats to Student Privacy and Equity in the Age of AI
Laird, E., Dwyer, M., & Grant-Chapman, H. (2023, September). CDT report - off task: EdTech Threats to Student Privacy and Equity in the Age of AI. Center for Democracy and Tehcnology.
Gender-specific patterns in the artificial intelligence scientific ecosystem
Anahita Hajibabaei, Andrea Schiffauerova, Ashkan Ebadi, Gender-specific patterns in the artificial intelligence scientific ecosystem, Journal of Informetrics, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2022, 101275, ISSN 1751-1577, Full Text
Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification
Buolamwini, J., Gebru, T. (2018). Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.
Girls & Mobile: 2023 Report
Effect, G. (2023, October 13). Girls & Mobile: 2023 Report. - Unlocking the power of girls.
Who makes AI? Gender and portrayals of AI scientists in popular film, 1920-2020
Cave, S., Dihal, K., Drage, E., & McInerney, K. (2023). Who makes AI? Gender and portrayals of AI scientists in popular film, 1920–2020. Public Understanding of Science, 0(0). Full Text
Women hold just 27% of tech jobs. Here are 5 research-backed potential solutions
Shoemaker, H. (2023, October 31). Women hold just 27% of tech jobs. Here are 5 research-backed potential solutions. Fast Company.
Teens, Social Media and Technology 2023
How Teens and Parents Approach Screen Time
Smartphone use and well-being of adolescent girls: a population-based study
Women Are Avoiding AI. Will Their Careers Suffer?