Body Image
Discover the latest research on Body Image + Girls.
Family members and peers’ negative and positive body talk: How they relate to adolescent girls’ body talk and eating disorder attitudes
Barbeau, K., Carbonneau, N., & Pelletier, L. (2022). Family members and peers’ negative and positive body talk: How they relate to adolescent girls’ body talk and eating disorder attitudes. Body Image, 40, 213–224.
Internet use associated body-surveillance among female adolescents: Assessing the role of Peer Networks
Brajdić Vuković, M., Lucić, M., & Štulhofer, A. (2017). Internet use associated body-surveillance among female adolescents: Assessing the role of Peer Networks. Sexuality & Culture, 22(2), 521–540.
Sizing up Peers: Adolescent Girls' Weight Control and Social Comparison in the School Context
Mueller, A. S., Pearson, J., Muller, C., Frank, K., & Turner, A. (2010). Sizing up Peers: Adolescent Girls' Weight Control and Social Comparison in the School Context. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(1), 64–78.
Body dissatisfaction at age 11 may increase depression risk by age 14