• Our Mission

    Advancing Girls is a data-driven consulting firm that designs research-based policies, programs and curricula for organizations. With girls at the forefront, we work with those serving girls to design the ideal circumstances in which girls can thrive. Why is it necessary to Advance Girls? Because, even in organizations that seek to prioritize girls, the evidence is clear: girls are still being left behind. We strive to create solutions for those working with girls with intentionality, grounded in research on what is best for them.


When we Advance Girls, we advance everyone.

Girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore half of its potential. Girls’ advancement is critical to expansion of economic and social growth

Advancing girls is critical to all areas of a healthy society, from reducing poverty to promoting the health, education, protection and the well-being of girls and boys.

  • Girls are less likely to consider themselves brilliant or be considered brilliant by teachers or parents.

  • Girls are less likely to pursue and remain in STEM careers.

  • The percentage of girls who would describe themselves as confident declines more than 25% throughout the middle school years, from 86% to 60%.

  • In middle school, the percentage of girls who feel the pressure to be perfect rises from 35% to 51% and the percentage of girls who say they are not allowed to fail rises from 18% to 45%.

  • Body image and comments or teasing about bodies impact confidence and self-esteem even in girls who report that it is not impacting them.